Five Reasons Why You Need A Notebook In Your Life

  1. Because they’re beautiful

    It’s no wonder that over the last year, when so much of our normal activity has been curtailed, so many people have taken to making their living spaces as lovely as possible. Maybe, for you, that meant finally getting around to painting the living room, or turning your spare room into a home office that’s actually nice to work in. Those are pretty big projects, but small ones can make a difference too. Notebooks like this one from Bonbi Forest are a great (and affordable) way of brightening up your home.

  2. Because they’re not a screen

    Yes, there are tons of apps you can use to organise your thoughts, make lists and plan projects, but do we really need another reason to look at our phones and laptops? Writing things down on actual paper can feel like such a treat after hours of staring at a back-lit screen.

  3. Because you can take them anywhere

    Unless you buy an unfeasibly large one (or have a teeny tiny bag) your notebook can go with you anywhere. So when you are inspired to poetry by a particularly beautiful cloud on a summer walk, you need just whip it out, grab a pen and get those lines down before the moment passes. Oh, and you don’t have to worry about taking a charger with you either!

  4. Because it’s good to write

    I don’t know about you, but my handwriting has got considerably worse since I left school (some moons ago.) Typing has become the dominant form of written communication for most of us, so it’s good to give your handwriting muscles a workout from time to time, if only so the next time you send someone a birthday card, they can tell who it’s from!

  5. Because they make things happen

    Buying a fresh, new notebook can be a declaration of intent. Whether you’re starting a new business, embarking on a healthy lifestyle or finally writing that novel that’s been brewing since you were fourteen (you know, the one about an astronaut who crash-lands on a planet populated by intelligent-but-terrifying dinosaurs and has to decide whether to ally with the brave brachiosauruses or the vengeful velociraptors) a notebook allows you to get down ideas, draw up action-plans and compile useful quotes all in one place. Who knows? The next notebook you buy could take you somewhere utterly amazing!

    (like the planet Dinosaurixius XIV…)

Anthony Bowers