Here's How We're Keeping Everyone Safe In Store


You don’t need us to tell you that things are different right now. The experience of shopping has had to change so radically and rapidly in recent months and since we opened up again after lockdown we’ve had to make changes too.

We want you to have a lovely time in our shop. It goes against the grain for us to throw rules and regulations at you. But although we definitely want you to feel welcome and relaxed, the most important thing we want you to feel is safe. With that in mind, here are the changes you’ll notice when you next pop in.

01 - In & Out: We are lucky enough to have two doors at Merry and Bright and for the time being, we’ll be asking you to use one of them on your way in, and the other on your way out. There’ll be clear signage to tell you which one’s which.

02 - Hand Sanitiser: We’ll be requiring you to use the hand sanitiser provided on your way in to the shop and recommending that you use it on your way out too. This will help to minimise the spread of the virus on surfaces and allow you to safely pick up items on the shelves.

03 - Perspex Screen: These have become ubiquitous on cash desks and checkouts across the country and it will come as no surprise that we’ve got one too.

04 - Payment: We’ll be asking you to pay by card for the time being if at all possible. Contactless works best, (it even works through our perspex screen, which is cool!) but we’ll be sanitising the card machine each time it’s used manually too.

05 - Fitting Room: Unfortunately you’ll not be able to try clothes on for the time being. We will reassess this as and when we move into the next phase outlined by the Scottish government. Our 60 day returns policy is still in place though, so if you buy an item and take it home, you can return it for a full refund as normal. Any items that are returned will be put aside in quarantine for 72 hours before being put back out for sale.

06 - Four Is The Magic Number: We’ll be limiting the number of customers in the shop to four at any one time. This will allow you to browse and shop whilst keeping at a safe distance - there’ll also be signage to help with this.

07 - Face Masks: As of 10th July the Scottish government made it mandatory to wear face-masks in all shops. If you happen to pop out without yours (it’s easily done) we’ve got some disposable masks you can wear while you browse.

08 - Cleaning: We’ll be ramping up the cleaning to keep the shop environment as safe as possible. Door handles and the cash desk surface will be cleaned multiple times through the day.

Lastly, we’d like to say a huge thank you to all our customers for dealing with these restrictions with such patience and good humour. Hopefully the more we all pull together and take precautions now, the sooner things can get back to normal. Ah, remember normal? Those were good times!

Anthony Bowers