This Amy Grimes Print Makes Us Wish For Snow


Ah, summer.

Warmth, light, green everywhere. Endless days stretching on into evenings that hum with possibility - taking a stroll along the river; enjoying a long, cool drink in the garden; having the family over for dinner while the sun sinks gently below the horizon.

Lovely, right?

So why am I longing for the cold tang of winter on the breeze? Why do I keep thinking how nice it would be to get wrapped up in all manner of things made of wool and go for a tramp in knee deep snow?

It’s all Amy Grimes’ fault.

This print seems to encapsulate the best of winter. It may be minus seven outside, but it doesn’t matter because soon you’ll be in that little red house, sitting in the glow of the fire with a mug of heady, spiced mulled wine, watching the foxes play in the snow through the window.

July’s not too early to start mulling things, right?

Anthony Bowers